When you walk outside,now a days summer has started so there is a harmful sunrays will affect your skin,so that use an Umbrella or a hat to protect the head.

When you are in riding a motor bike,just wear a home made gloves to protect the arms.It will help ur skin.It may protect any harmfull sunrays.

In summer,Drink plenty of water to balance your water level in your body,and at least one glass of fresh fruit juice according to your conditions such as lime,watermelon,mosambi,sapota etc.,

Do not forget to use a light moisturiser even if it is cream to protect,the face,neck and the body if it can.

As I told you before,wear cotton garments that will help air circulation and cool the your body.

Oil the hair regularly with soothing oils or even herbal oils too.

In mean time,referesh your face with cold water better you can Splash water on the eyes 2-3 times a day to wash the dust off in your eyes.
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