In this machine world,we cannot care ourself.In early day we feel like youths as days are gone we have lots of reponsibility to handle over either works or childrens and even both.. from this two problems we cannot have a minute to relief ourselfs.So we are going to give you a short tips to maintain yourself by these circumstance....
Try yourself by this possible tips!!

Use mashed cucumber as a face pack.A sunburn soother, where it improves complexion and tones the skin.Add half a teaspoon of honey for dry skin or two drops of lemon juice for oily skin.

Massage your face with watermelon juice and leave it on for 10 minutes.It is an excellent toner.This used to soft your skin.

A paste of gram flour with yoghurt will not only exfoliate your skin,but will also help protect skin from the sun radiation and will control the excess of sebum protection.

Even in other day including in summer drink lots of water at room temperature,add Indian gooseberry to your diet,an excellent source of vitamin C.

Include tender coconut water in the diet and use the cream with a pinch of turmeric to restore facial luster lustre.

If you wash your face daily you will really fell good..Use soap-free face wash.

You should not or never leave home without sunscreen.

Rinse your face regularly.This will add moisture to your face.

Underplay the cream,use more astringents and toners to make your skin and face more beautiful.
Be a beauty Queen......
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