The greatest entertainer at his age.............

The greatest entertainer at his age.............
Children's used to love cartoon characters very much.They used to buy even toys resembles those characters!!.In the present day the very famous advertisement cartoon characters are "Zoo Zoos" but ,they are not cartoons they are all real humans those who acting as Zoozoos.While the IPL matches break and make fortunes and careers,Zoozoos have bowled over viewers with their simple but lovely storylines.These characters won't speak but their actions are superb!!.Zoozoos are characters created by Bangalore based on adman Prakash Varma's production house Nirvana Films.
Zoozoos is a almost very different facecuts and in shape,with alien like characters with bulbous heads and stick like hands and legs,were created to highlight the multiple features of Vodafone's. There are almost 30 types of ads are there.There are 30 films in a month's time to utilise the platform of the IPL matches to advertise the client's product.Time is a crucial factor.So,Prakash Varma had decided to come up with something totally new with this different types of ads.Prakash used to begin sketching the characters,while his partner Rajiv got working on the remaining scripts.Prakash and Rajiv teams have done a great job in entertaining the auidence and those who seeing the cricket matchs in TV .
shooting will Continue......
Tips to be Stay safe from Global Warming.....
"Save The Earth"- this slogan must be remember by all the people living in this Universe.
You don't have to wait until you grow up to do something about global warming in your small way,you too can help the Eco towards the cause.It is very important to know we can tackle it better.So,you should discus on the subject with your parents,friends,teachers.You can even contribute to your elders about the Global Warming and to join in the cause by adopting a few simple steps to reduce pollution and other harmful causes.Pollution can be controlled by avoiding vehicle which is being worked by petrol or diesel.You can Walk or use a cycle whenever possible Use public transport or car pool.
Always remember to switch off the fans and lights.Even if you leave your TV or computer on stand-by mode,they still consume up to 75% of the energy when turned on.
Remove mobile charges from the socket after charging.Beware-don't attend the calls while in charging.
Switch to energy efficient light bulbs that use less energy and last longer.Use some low voltage bulbs according to your comfort.
Try to remember this words="Reduce,Reuse,Recycle".Try using less reduce the use of disposable things.Reuse whatever you can,like plastic bags and recycle it when you wants.
Plant a tree and take care of it.Plant some lots of trees according to your own place or garden.Remember,trees are the best carbon di oxide absorbers.It gives oxygen!!
Tap the freely available solar energy,solar heaters can be installed on the rooftops of buildings.It is very useful for house hold purpose.
Request your parents to switch off the car when they are waiting at the traffic signal.
*Save The World*
You have seen a lot of recipes in my blog at past,I think you would have try some recipes and enjoy our tips.Now we are going to see about,How we are going to prepare a delicious "Fattoush Salad".You would have tried a lots of Salads such as fruit Salad,chilly salad,etc.,....Now we are going to see about Popular Middle-Eastern Salad,especially these dishes are used in lebanon and Syria.This dish is combines a variety of easily available mixtures or seasonal,vegetables and baked or toasted pieces of flat bread for a colorful,some people think that this type to salads are very difficult to prepare but not that it is a very easy and delicious dish to serve.Its easy to make salad.The salad is stuffed with some typical ingredients include radish,tomato,cumber,lettuce and onion,salt,olive oil and lemon juice are added for flavouring.Feta cheese,olives,green peppers and mint can also be added to enrich and enhance your delicious dish.You can also coloured middle Eastern spice such as Chill powder or some spicy ingredients,you can enrich your dish with some lemony sour flavour.Serve in Hot and Have a Yummy Day!!!!
We all know about the incident happened in Australia.The Incident tells about "Racism".The assaults in australia are not new,but the point is how do you make things safe for yourself....Here are some Tips to stay safe below
The Water melon is a most popular summer fruit.Now a day,due to the early arrival of summer this year,almost all the main roads in the city witness of sellers of red juicy watermelons."The demand for watermelon this year has been more impressive than the previous years due to the early arrival of summer," says a fruit vendor.
I have asked about his profit,he said that "He used to sell close to 500 slices of them per day while each costing Rs.5 for smaller piece and Rs.10 for larger piece.Watermelons are supply in a wholesale fruit market with them for 50 tonnes of watermelons per week.Then he said,"Sometimes we sprinkle sugar,jaggery,salt and masala powder on the fruit to make it even more delicious to attract more customers."He adds,"Ten years back,a whole watermelon used to cost Rs.10 but with prices soaring,we are forced to increase the price of this fruit."There are other vendors who feel the demand for this watermelon fruit has been very low compared to the previous years.His partner says,"The watermelon yield is less compared to the last year and people prefer buying the whole fruit from a retail outlet than buying slices.he used to sell about 80 slices a day each costing Rs.8 or Rs.10 among their different size.
There are other varieties of watermelon that he sells which are usually not available everywhere,like Akramanai and Microsix which is usually cost Rs.30 per Kg.These varieties are less juicy but the specialty in that fruit is that they don't get spoilt even after 2 to 3 months."
There are some good NEWS about this sweet watermelons that this fruit is packed with powerful oxidants that helps in preventing kidney stones,urinary retention,heart diseases,blood pressure and is the smartest pick for losing weight."So, Have a watermelon everyday and Take care!!!!
We all know about the great use of the Flowers.It has a lifetime till, when somebody plug them out!!!!even though they had a short lifetime but they made a big positive difference in every living beings.Flowers are mostly used by insects than humans.Some insects have their food in the flowers in a form of honey or petals.Flowers mainly used by Insects.So what about the Human beings??....Human beings are rarely use the flowers for their own purposes.Humans love flowers more than else and their smells,with a lot of beautiful appearance,colors too....
Flower is know for their colors,for example: lavender, its a flower and its named for its color too.Flowering plants are called as angiosperms.There are about 250,000 species have been found.Research have been going on....They forms a largest division in the plant world.Unlike other seed plants,such as conifers,They used to produce seeds inside protective ovaries,which is used later as ripen to form fruits.There are over 250 families of angiosperm(flowering plants) recently found.They are divided into two unequal groups.The dicoledons,which make up a largest group,all have 2 seed leaves or cotyledons.They include a huge variety of herbaceous plants,shrubs,and all broad leaved trees,but cotyledons have a single seed leaf.They are mainly called as herbaceous and include only a few tree like forms,such as Palms....Palms is also a part of a flower.Now a day plants,trees are destroyed by a cruel peoples by their heavy instruments....
Be hold our hands with one voice!!!!
Take care of "Trees" .
We are all know about animals and birds.They used to have shelter,food as like human beings.There is not a big difference about each other.Their only difference is body language and index.We know that birds used to live in trees and animals used to live in between the land and sea.Mean-while,now a days human beings are staying in huge and tall trees as they came for a tour or camp in forests.Resort!!What you mean about Resort????........we simply know that resort is like a house with bedroom,halls,bathroom,swimming pool,bar,club,casino,etc,.In India,There is a resort in forest for our Indian people and our tourist friends who are coming into India....There is a state in India named as Kerala,Our TourIndia cooperation has two tree houses located on 200 year old ficuses,and 86-ft above ground.The friendly houses provided with double beds,bathroom with flushing toilets,with phone etc.are modelled on the erumadams,The houses have most unusual lifts:instead of a lift-button,a huge sack filles with water acts as a counterweight to pull up a cane basket,which serves as a lift to the house!The lifts were made with the help of the Mappila Khalasis of Beypore,Kozhikode,know for their expertise in moving heavy objects.1st Guests are collected from Kozhikode and luggage are arrives on Elephant back.This is our Indian tree houses are looks like!!!!
If u wish you can have a ride to India and visit these types of new and old tree houses,and have a great full day.................