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- Speak fluent english by this tips!!!!! - part 1
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- Do you eat a balanced diet??
- Asteroids
- Akuri recipeeee.......
- Time Please.......!!!!
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- Election Part-1
- Do u like Cheese??
- How to Impress a "Girl"
- Meaning of Cancer = part 1
- How Giraffes got high neck....
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Recent post
From the first post about our English tips we have seen about Practice makes Perfect and some response to my mom and dad,even my brother too lol....Now we are going to see that how we should speak to our audience or before a leader....No doubt I ought to speak to my mom or dad carefully as I should speak to a queen or audience,and she to me as carefully as she would speak to a King.
There are two different manners are available in speaking,they are company manners and home manners.If you were to call on a strange family and to listen through the key hole or fix a glass in the door and hear what they are saying....not that i would suggest for a moment that you are capable of doing such a very unlady like or ungentle man like thing,but if U are still enthusiasm for studying languages you could bring yourself to do it ok!!!!
Meanwhile,just for a few seconds to hear how a family speak to one another when there is nobody else listening to them while speaking or in a argument and then walk into the room and hear how very different they speak in your presence,that change would surprise you!!!!........Even when our home manners are as good as our company manners and of course they ought to be much better then other manners,they are usually different from others,and the very difference is only "The difference in greater in speech than in anything else"............
We all know that our Globule language is "English".We should know fluent English,so here are so tips to speak a fluent English to others,or before the audience!!.We should not shy to speak English with others and we should not think it might be wrong what we speaks......Don't worry about that first we should keep a track on which topic we are going to speak.We should not stammer while we speaks.For all this tips......1 tips is more important "Practice makes perfect".
I have said enough to you about the fact that no two native speakers of English speak it alike,perhaps you are clever enough to ask me whether I,myself,speak it in the same way.I must confess that I do not.Nobody does.I am at present speaking to an audience of many thousands of people where here,many of whom are trying hard to follow my words,syllable by syllable.If I were to speak to you as carelessly as I speak to my mom or anybody in my family at home,this record would be useless for us too....And if I were to speak to my mom or my brother at home as carefully s I am speaking to You,she/he would think that I was going mad rite now......
As a public speaker I have to take care that every word I say is heard distinctly at the far end of large halls where containing thousands of people.But at home when I have to consider only my mom or dad,my brother sitting within six feet of me at breakfast,I take so little pains with my speech that very often,instead of giving me the expected answer,she/he says three things about my speaking action.... "Don't mumble;and don't turn your head away when you speak and I can't hear a word you are saying".And she/he also a little careless.Sometimes I have to say "What?" two or three times during our meals,and she/he suspects me of growing deafer and deafer,.........
Speaking will continue..............
The topic we have chosen to this post is it referees to the Big Mammals called as "Elephants".The Elephant mostly use to live in Forests.The Elephant is the largest and One of the most powerful intelligent animals.Even though we know that blue whales are the largest animal because they grow up to 30 metres,but elephant is on the top list as far as in land animals are concerned.A fully grown elephant reaches a height of 4 metres and a weight of 6 metric tons.
We all know about Elephant,the most remarkable feature of the Elephant is its tusks and trunk.The tusks,in fact,are two of its upper teeth that have grown on the outside and become enlarged.A tame or trained Elephant uses it tusks to support heavy loads while wild Elephants use them as weapons to attack people or some other animals.Tusks are made of ivory which is highly valuable.And it is for tusks that Elephants are hunted down and killed.Even though articles made of ivory are banned in most countries they are available in the black market,and this leads to Elephant poaching.
Want to see the continuation.... click here
Our people are Mechanical now a days they used to go to office or to home like,there is no time to relax themselves or to share their problems with others.There is a stress happened with them.So body pain will happened.For this, Chinese people used to have their nutrition food.
In the past,Chinese people have Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) its divides food into three categories.They are:
and Neutral foods.
We can now know about the three main nutrition foods.What are Yin foods?? They are cold in nature.They remove the excess heat in the system and eliminate toxins.These foods are good to our bodies.Some examples of Yin food are Bananas,Apples,Mangoes and Tomatoes.
What are Yang foods??.Where as Yang foods are the opposite of Yin foods.They warm the interior and treat the symptoms caused by excess Yin.Chicken,Dates,Mutton,Garlic,Ginger and Pepper are some examples of Yang food.Neutral foods belong to the third category.Some examples are Carrots,Eggs and Potatoes.These foods do not influence any hot or cold syndromes in the body.
Where as the Ultimate goal of TCM food therapy is to maintain a healthy balance based on the effect of food on the body.TCM practitioners remark that by balancing our diet we create harmony within the body,resulting in well being.Therefore eat a balanced diet.
And Take Care of Yourself......
Some General research where going on Space by our NASA team.We all have a wish to be travel on the shy but some people have gone through them,with their hard work and courage.As we go on to space there are other objects revolve around the sun as we have study earlier in our childhood days.We know earth is surrounded by Ozone layer and sometimes moon used to cover the earth on a night time and so on.......
There are other small bodies which revolve our earth,Mars,Venus,Mercury,Sun.....The other small bodies are called as Asteroid.Asteroid are small bodies,composed of rock and iron,that were unable to form distinct planets when the solar system was born.They orbit the Sun,most of them travelling in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Do u know Y the asteroids are in a circle and in order??
Because Jupiter's gravitational pull can send asteroid into erratic orbits it means in a order and in circular rotation....It causing them to collide with planets and other asteroids.
We have seen a lots of recipes here....I think u have try that too....thanks for your interest and your patients.Comment me about your feedback ok.
First of all Akuri is a spicy scrambled eggs made in the Parsi style.It is consist of beaten eggs,chopped chillies,onions,garlic,ginger and tomatoes cooked together on a frying pan until lightly set,but not dry.Akuri is a traditional breakfast dish of the Parsis,and os usually eaten with pav or bread.Serve your dish with some extra spicy.The great advantage of Akuri is that it is so simple to make,yet tastes delicious and makes for a filling meal.Great if you have to feed friends in a hurry......
Have fun.........
For the 1st time we are going to see about the "Watch".Its is a new model type.Titan's cleo,with its Louisiana croco leather strap,Its is surrounded by a diamond like stone in a round studded case.The number's are in a blue color indices the Cleopatra in your gal.And make you a lucky man at least for the moment after you strap this on her wrist ok.When u wear this watch all the luck is will be yours.... it is more hypotical but....
Ok its your turn....
wear it and have fun............
Here we are going to see about next face of the election.
come lets we see....
- EVMs were first used in India in the Parue assembly constituency in kerala in 1982.This year,close to 11 lakh EVMs have been used across the country's 8.28 lakh polling stations.
- The EVMs used in India can hold the names of 64 candidates at the most.If that figure is exceeded and sometimes it is there is a manual ballot.In 1996,there were1033 candidate in the fray for one assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu..!!
- The indelible ink applied on the fore finger of the voter is made by Mysore Paints and Varnish Ltd.The company supplied a total of 2 million bottles of the very special ink for the election of 2009.
You must have heard a lot of talk about the election in the last month or so.No wonder,if you felt bored.But there are some very interesting facts about elections,too....!!
- * The word candidate comes from the Latin word,"candidate" meaning one clad in while.In 2004,Ramchandra Veerappa of Karnataka become the oldest person to be elected to our country's parliament-at 94 he won a Lok Sabha seat.
- India doesn't have an absentee ballot system.Section.19 of the Representation of the People Act(RPA),1950,allows a person to register to vote if he or she is above 18 years and has been living at the same address for 6 month or longer.
- The Election voting Machine(EVM for short) used by the voters to cast their votes is a long rectangular electronic box made of light metals and plastic.It has a control unit and a balloting unit,with a cable connecting the tow.The control unit records all the votes deposited through the ballot units.Each control unit can control up to four ballot units.
Election will continue....
"Cheese" when we say that word our tongue will go on a high shower....
You had well know about cheese....Here we are going to see about different types and some information about cheeses.There are four types of cheeses are there in different size,taste and shapes.For example:Hard cheese,Soft cheeses,Blue cheeses,Goat's and Sheep's cheeses....We use most of the cheeses while having for breakfast or for a snacks.Cheese is made by curdling milk or cream with rennet or latic acid.The solid curds are then removed,drained,and put into moulds.Sometime they used to inject a bacterial culture is added.The nature of the finished product is greatly influenced by the duration of the ripening period,In the ripening period they used to mix a flavor and texture develop.And also by the type of milk or cream used in cheeses.Even in the whole fat or skimmed,cow's milk or goat's milk,etc..
Here are some types of cheeses:
Act's Innocent when he's in love with a girl,
look her eyes and listen whatever she's says..............

to Her

Cancer, now a days this harmful disease is more spreading in some innocent peoples.This disease can be prevented by having regular medicines and some useful drugs.Since some poor people cannot spend their money for the drugs and medicines to buy.Where as,Cancer is also called as neoplasm.Its due to the growth or a tumour is its said as which cells in some part of the body divide by mitosos, without control,and produce excess tissue in our body.The word is derived by a Latin word cancrum for crab.Its resembles the shape of the crab's body.A cancer cell can be arise by a change in any nucleated cell of the body.Cancer cell behave as parasites where as cells use to lives in other body of a animal or a human beings and have their food too....and steadily divide to produce more cells.They also called as misguided cells which have lost control over their activities.A study of cancers is called as oncology,on the other hand a person who studies about cancer is called as oncologist
To be continued in next post....
Do you know how giraffes got their high neck??
"Originally the neck of the Giraffe where not Long"
Now we are going to see about that,we have a answer for this too.Once there lived a Philosophie Zoologique named Lamarck presented an explanation for the origin of a new species.He is called as Jean Baptiste Lamarck.He lived since 1744-1829.His theory was based on his belief in two biological processes:The two biological processes are use and disuse of organs and inheritance of acquired characters.At 1st Lamarck's ideas where widely accepted.Since he could not support his theory of evolution with data and information.His thoughts where all hypnotical.
He took Giraffe as an Example,Lamarck believed that ancient giraffes had short necks and they used to feed grass only.When that grass became scarce and grow far the giraffes stretched their necks to reach leaves of trees.That stretching leads to giraffe's neck length high.This type of data and information have said by Lamarck.In this way organisms have change as environment changes.
Summer vacations are begins now, so some children where going to summer vacation class or any coaching class to improve their knowledge nor neither to time pass.If you where started earlier,no problem if those who were not joined in any coaching class either you should joined in outdoor games such as football,cricket,hockey,swimming,badminton,horse riding,athletic,etc.,
In the other hand you can play indoor games like chess,squash,carom,table tennis,etc.,
For example,I will help you how to play squash.Squash players take turns to hit a rubber ball against the front of a four-walled court.The ball is allowed to bounce on the floor only once,but may rebound off any of the walls.It is in play only when below the out lines and above the board.To serve, a player should stands with at least part of one foot in the service Box and hits the ball above the cut line.Then ball must bounce beyond the short line on the opponent's side of the half-court line.This game is need some energy.