We all know that egg is only used for cooking but there is a massive changes are happening in only a single shell of the egg alone.Meanwhile, we are going to see about the egg,An egg is a single cell with the capacity to develop into a new individual cell.For example,Development may take place inside the mother's body or as in a mammals.Each egg has an protective covering such as a shell.This shell used to cover and protect the yolk instead of broken it.The shelled eggs of birds or a reptiles contains enough yolk to increase the developing embryo until it hatches(broken).
Pores(holes) in the shell allows the embryo to exchange oxygen and carbon di oxide with the atmosphere.
Where as in other words,Egg is the reproductive body which produced by females of animals such as birds,reptiles,fish,etc.,which enclosed in a protective layer and capable of developing into a new individual species.Now you know about the A to Z of the Egg reproductive system.Visit our site if you need help!!
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Ice is meant as a frozen water.Its looks like brittle transparent crystalline solid better than its looks like a sheet of this on the surface of water.Children love to play in the snow but they don't know about these crystalline solid(ice).
A large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea.
In the southern hemisphere,broad,tabular icebergs are formed by when section of icebergs detach themselves from the floating edges of the ice sheets that shows from Antarctica.In the northern hemisphere,we can see icebergs form when wind and tidal action where it cause larger chunks of ice to break away from glaciers space.All Icebergs are made up of frozen fresh water,as it opposed to sea water,and only the top 12 per cent of frozen fresh water is visible above sea level.
As some part of the frozen areas looks like a very pale blue color its named as ice blue.
We are now going to see about the very clever and dangerous amphibian.Its is also called as a limbless lizard.A Snake look like any long limbless reptile of the suborder,Including boas,Pythons,Cobras and Vipers.Its behavior looks like a treacherous person or a secret enemy.There are around 2,700 snake species,most of which belong to the four main families set out below.All snake are carnivorous vertebrates,with jaws that can dislocate to swallow relatively large animals whole.Some snakes has its own teeth even though its used to swallow their food.Snakes like Pythons and Boas kill their prey by squeezing.Venomous snakes such as the coral snake and other snakes used to inject their victims with poison from their fangs.Other snakes simply crush prey in their jaws.Although snakes have no ears,but they can detect vibrations,and their tongues are sensitive to smell,taste,and touch.Beware of "Snakes".
Now we are going to see about the Philippines favorite food.A hugely popular dish in the Philippines in fact,You can call it the national dish.Usually made from fresh pork or chicken or a combination of both,it is slow cooked in Soy sauce,Vinegar,garlic,bay leaf,and black pepper-corns.It may then be browned in the oven or pan-fried to make the edges crispy.Adobo is 1st originates from the northern region of the Philippines;It keeps quite long because of the vinegar,which inhibits the growth of bacteria,It is called so from the Spanish for marinade, or seasoning.Try it yourself and comment to my post.Thank you, people for reading and comment.Have a nice recipie!!
Before ChargePod
After ChargePod
This charger helps you to charge both simultaneously your charge your blackberry,iPod,iPhone,and six gadget in one go.It's capable of charging hundreds of other cell phones,PDAs and portable gaming devices.You can charge them at home,in the car or even while travelling.Blue indicator lights illuminate on each port to display charging status.Charge pod uses voltage regulator technology and interchangeable power adapters to safely charge all of your mobile devices regardless of manufacturer or model.But it and save your time.I have one too..
Is the battery of your iPod or iPhone dying too soon?
Are you facing trouble plugging your charger?
Here are a few new and interesting ways you can add a few extra hours of battery life to your gadget.Power your gadget,minus the clutter.
We are going to see about animals now.Some animals adopt the babies of other species.For an Instant Cats that are feeding their own kittens as they often feed orphaned puppies as well.Sometimes dogs nurse kittens along with their own puppies too.There are instances of cats nursing baby rabbits and rabbits looking after rats too.So Animals have good relationship with them,than Human beings.I have read a book in that,a biologist working in Alaska observed a pair of arctic loons,which had their own chicks,raising five spectacles eider ducklings.Under normal circumstances,the arctic would have preyed upon them.Cows,goats,sheep and horses are known to have nursed the young ones of their species that have been rejected by their mothers.Adoption is more common in chaotic breeding colonies of animals such as seals,bats and gulls.So be like animal.We should be union.Nowadays people are not having good relationship with them.They use to abuse that.We should be Union where as "Union is Strength".
Uncomfortable meeting new people? Here's how to fight shyness
If you have an overwhelming fear of socialising with new people,you perhaps suffer from social phobia.A feeling of self-consciousness,nervousness or a dislike towards attending a social function is not unusual,but if you end up feeling miserable(physical too)before,during and after a get-together,it needs to be addressed.
Anyone with anxiety pertaining only to the area of his work,has specific social anxiety or performance anxiety.
If the fear extends to common social situations such as eating,seeking help,meeting new people,attending interviews,and venturing into restrooms it is generalised social anxiety.Trembling,sweating and feeling nauseous,among other things,indicate anxiety.This sense of discomfort is often misinterpreted such individuals can develop 'anticipatory anxiety',which at an advanced level can lead to a panic attack before any event.
To improve self-esteem,one must develop social skills.A counsellor can also help in guiding the person's thoughts in the right direction,so that they react better.
Special feature
We have seen the Introduction in the 1st part now we are going to see about the Special Feature of CB1000R.This bike has an HISS- Honda Ignition Security System,it is an electronic security feature that does not allow the engine to fire up.This system make an aware of thieves questioning their 'profession'.This bike is easy to read digitial instrument cluster uses a bar type engine rpm counter with redline beginning at 10,500rpm.Ideal grips, top-drawer adjustable buffer levers and high quality switch gear inclusive of a hazard and engine with on-off switch feature in the wide mounted handlebar on top of beefy upside-down telescopic fork.The CB1000R has its exposed engine uses several bright nickel-plated allen key bolts that complement the machine's black-dominated body.Other trendy highlights are its under-slung silencer and single side swing arm.The rear end is simple,yet eye-catching with an attractive tail-light set just ahead of an extended rear mudguard.The CB1000R is a good looking bike with high quality parts,with fabulous fit and finish.
The bike is build with a GDC as gravity die-cast aluminium frame that houses a returned inline four,998cc CBR1000RR engine that's liquid cooled and tweaked to suit city riding,rather than long travel.
It has another advantage of IACV Intake Air Control Valve that works to keep torque reactions from causing jerky low-rpm conduct.Maximum power of 125bhp is developed at 10,000rpm and routed to the tyre via a light action hydraulic assisted clutch that takes advantage of the engine's strong low end torque and supplies a nice feel to the rider.The one down and five up pattern six-speed gear box shifts smoothly.

Al Gore might not find these the right tools to control global warming,but it seems like we are getting ready to face his challenge-a total switch to carbon-free energy in 10 years and a greener tomorrow.Here are four phones that are solar-powered,carbon-free and made of recyclable waste.Though they might not have the longest of lives,they claim to have the minimum impact on the environment..
After doing a not-so-green job with the E200 Eco which was just a phone made out of corn,Samsung has finally gotten round to thinking 'green'-The Blue Earth is a touchscreen phone that can generate the power it needs to make a call any time from the solar panel built into its back.It's made from recycled plastic water bottles,and it will also help you pace yourself with an in-built pedometer.Is it a good phone?Designed like a flat and well rounded shiny pebble,the Blue Earth is cute to look at.
While a 'green' version of the iPhone is still to come,there are more than 20-odd apps that'll make your iPhone greener.The built-in GPS carbon tracker app will calculate your carbon footprint to the nearest decimal point.There are also green meter apps to check on your gas and power efficiency and carcare apps that indirectly aid you in conserving energy,fuel and gas.
The Finnish phone maker's first green baby comes with biocovers-materials made from plants that are 50 per cent renewable.It's also packed into a 60 per cent recyclable box.The highlight is not the itself,but the charger:Nokia claims it's the most energy efficient charger yet,using 94 per cent less energy than the Energy Star requirements.With its 1.3-meg camera and FM,the Evolve may not be a great phone,but you can flaunt its bio-covers.
This is the Motorola W233 Renew.The phone is made from recycle material. The Renew is the first carbon-neutral phone and it is made of 100 percent recycled paper.Motorola has joined hands with Carbonfund.org,Which has helped in doing away with the carbon dioxide required in the manufacture.further,the phone has earned Carbonfund.org's CarbonFee Product certification after an extensive lifecycle assessment.The W233 is just a GSM candybar with colour screen,MP3 player,a memory card slot and 9 hours of talk time.
In case your hair needs some special attention you can also try out their express head massage and eye massage with machines.The Express head massage works on the same principle that massagers work on.It's a quick massage that that doesn't involve oil or washing,so is non-fussy.It relaxes your scalp muscles.You could have it done while getting a pedicure or manicure.It costs about Rs.200 for about 10 minutes.Want your peepers all shiny and bright as you watch the old year slip by? Then get the express eye massage done.Done with a small eye pad machine and costing Rs.200 for a ten minutes massage,it gently presurises the area around the eyes to relive fatigue.
In this modern world our responsibility is more and more increasing.We couldn't take care of our self.So,In a mean while we are going for our marriage or any other parties to relax our mind and pressure.For that,women's use to express themselves then other women's.For the party goer in a hurry,Naturals Salon has some express services.They promise to do your hairstyling,nail art and party make up in about 45 minutes.Depending on the designs,the cost of nail art varies from Rs.100 to 200.The designs vary from flowers alphabets to butterflies.
"The nail art machine is a bit problematic.You have to keep your nails really still or else the patterns won't come well.We now use rubber stamps to create funky designs with better effects.First a coat of nail polish is applied.You can choose your colour and then stamp on a design.After that we put a coat of protective varnish over it so that it stays longer.We also have a nail art kit that includes the stamp and varies designs.Its costs Rs.900,has 10 designs, three nail designs and can be reused as many times as you want,"explains Veena,proprietor,Naturals Salon.
The biggest event that Indian techies are waiting for is the unveiling of 3G networks in India.While 3G is on a trial run in New Delhi,it is to be launched in H1-2009.3G means 3rd Generation.3G is a standard for mobile networks which replace 2.5G.The most important change that 3G networks will bring is higher bandwidth.This means that Indian mobile users will be able to brows faster sometimes even at speeds rivaling their home connection.While MTNL/BSNL have first dibs on 3G release,private operators like Vodafone and Airtel cannot be too far behind.3G will also usher in a new era where video streaming and video conferencing is possible and where users will not have to block images/flash to speed up the browsing experience.On the flip-side, considering the current prices for data plans,3G services will probably cost and arm and leg to use and you do need to own a 3G capable cellphone to use the high speed goodness.
Lead is mainly used for Pencil.Pencil is more helpfull for students.The Romans,Greeks and Egyptians used a small lead disc for writing and drawing guidelines on the papyrus to keep the lettering even and for nice presentation.The Romans called it a plumbum-Latin for lead.Soon after,a thin rod of lead began to be used for drawing fine lines.The wood casing came later.Pencils today have no lead in them-the 'lead' is made of a mixture of clay and powdered core of graphite.Lead is used not only for this,it is also used for futher purpose.
Gardens used to make our resides more beautiful.we should grow garden,it will give a pleasant mine with a Peace.Cultivating gardens is a pastime of...not only human beings,but also ants! Tropical rain forests are usually full of many kinds of trees,vines,shrubs and wildflowers.But in the Amazon region,there are plants of only a single kind in some parts of the rain forests:lemon ant trees.The 'lemon' ant,which lives in the hollow stem of the lemon ant tree, actually kills other plants in the surroundings.These ants inject an acid that they makes in their bodies into the other plants,which causes their leaves to drop off.They do this so that they have more trees in which to build their'ant' nests.