The little more of the Universe has been pried out of the shadows.Two groups of Astronomers have take the first pictures of what are the most likely planets going around other stars.
The achievements,the result of years of effort of improved observational techniques and better data analysis,presages more such discoveries,the experts said, and will open the door to new investigations and discoveries of what planets are and how they came to be formed."It's the tip of iceberg,"christian marois of the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics."Now that we know they are there,there is going to be an explosion."
Mr.Marois is the leader of a team that recorded three planets circling a Star know as HR8799 that is 130 light years away in the constellation Pegasus.The other team,led by Paul Kala's of the University of California,Berkeley,Found a planet orbiting the star Fomalhaut,25 light years from Earth,in the constellation Piscis Austrinus.
In Scratchy telescope pictures released on Thursday in science express,the online version of the journal science,the planet appears as fuzzy dots that moves slightly around their star from exposure to exposure.Astronomer who have seen the images agree this look like the real thing."I think Kepler himself recognize these as planets orbiting a star following his laws of Orbital motions,"Mark S.Marley of the Ames research center in mountain view said.
More than 300 so called extra solar planets have been found circling distant stars,making their discovery the hottest and fastest growing field in Astronomy.But the observations have been made mostly indirectly,by dips in star light as planet cross in front of their home star or by wobbles they induce.
Astronomers being astronomers, they want to actually see this worlds, but a few reason claims of direct observations have been clouded by debates about whether the bodies were really planets or failed stars."Every extrasolar planets detected so far has been a wobble on a graph,"said Bruce Macintosh, astrophysicist from the Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
the new planetary systems are anchored by young bright stars more massive than our own sun and swaddled in large discs of dust,the raw materials of worlds.The three planets orbiting HR 8799 are roughly10,nine and six times the mass of Jupiter,orbit their star in periods of 450,180 and 100 years respectively,all counterclockwise.
Fomalhaut is about three times as massive as Jupiter,according to Mr.Kala's calculations,and is on the inner edge of a huge band of dust,taking roughly 872 years to complete a revolution of its star.
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THOMAS ALVA EDISON,the famous inventor,built his first science laboratory in the basement of his home,at the age of 10!He would spend hours on end in his laboratory.Fed up of seeing him cooped up thus,his father would bribe him with a penny to go out.Edison would take the money and go out.But he would use the penny to buy more chemicals for his experiments
Edison filed 1,093 patents, including those for the light bulb,Electric Railways and movie camera.When he died in 1931,he held 34 patents for the telephone,141 for batteries,150 for the telegraph and 389 patents for Electric light and power.
The new Skoda superb was unveiled at the Auto car Performance Show recently.It will reach showrooms in February 2009.Prices start at Rs.20 lakh for the base petrol; model,going up to Rs.25 lakh for the full-fat petrol.
Thomas Kuehl, board member of Skoda India, said:"We will bring an exciting range of engines: a 1.8-liter,160bhp TSI petrol, a 2.0-litre diesel with 140 bhp,and a new 3.6-litre V6 petrol with 260 bhp".
The V6 however, will be launched a few months after the 1.8-litre petrol and 2.0-litre diesel versions.Its trump card is the limo-like space that few can hope to match.The Superb will prove to be the biggest threat to Group stable-mate the Volks-wagen Passat.
It was long believed that corals need warm,well-lit tropical waters to live been recently some white corals have
been discovered in cold deep waters where there is also no light .Some of these temperate corals are 30 feet tall.They seems as abundant as the tropical corals but they have not been explored as much.
Tropical corals reefs are found around the Equator about 30degeernorth and south.They are the best known among the corals.They need clear water,warmth and light and are found near the coast line.Although the chief architects of the huge reefs are the stony corals,not all corals are hard.Some corals are known as soft corals and these don't have the rigid outer skeleton we associate with hard corals.
There are different types of corals reefs the Fringing reed,the Barrier reef and the Atoll.Fringing reefs are found off the shores of islands the Barrier reef from the shore.Probably the best known Barrier reef is The Great Barrier Reef off the coasts of Australia.It is 1,269 miles long and from 10 to 90 miles wide. An Atoll is an isolated ring of coral.It is formed when an underwater volcano erupt and the lava rises above the surface of the sea.
Thousands of plants,fishes and invertebrates such as sponges ,sea cucumbers,sea squirts and clams live in the tropical coral reefs.The Great Barrier Reef contains some 3000spieces of animals.
The reef provides a home to some animals and as place to hide for others.It also serves as a dining table for predators such as sharks which come to forage on animals congregating in coral reefs.There are,of course,animals that eat the reef itself.
Some fish that are found in the open sea use the reef as a place to gather and breed.A few use the reef as a types of spa!
The Wrasse is a fish that gets its food while cleaning other sea creatures.Wrasses eat the parasites and debris on the bodies of other creatures.
Unfortunately,as a result of changing climate,increased pollution and other factors,the world's coral reefs are now threatened habitats.
The S.I.S translator rendered the Japanse as: "Will the Ambassador please submit to the United States Government (if possible to the Secretary of State) our reply to the United States at 1:00 p.m. on the 7th, your time." The —"reply" referred to had been transmitted by Tokyo in 14 parts over the past 18½ hours, and Brotherhood had only recently decrypted the 14th part on the PURPLE machine. It had come out in the English in which Tokyo had framed it, and its ominous final sentence read: "The Japanese Government regrets to have to notify hereby the American Government that in view of the attitude of the American Government it cannot but consider that it is impossible to reach an agreement through further negotiations." Brotherhood had set it by for distribution early in the morning.The translation of the message directing delivery at one o'clock had not yet come back from S.I.S. when Brotherhood was relieved at 7 a.m., and he told his relief, Lieutenant (j.g.) Alfred V. Pering, about it. Half an hour later, Lieutenant Commander Alwin D. Kramer, the Japanese-language expert who headed GZ and delivered the intercepts, arrived. He saw at once that the all-important conclusion of the long Japanese diplomatic note had come in since he had distributed the 13 previous parts the night before. He prepared a smooth copy from the rough decode and had his clerical assistant, Chief Yeoman H. L. Bryant, type up the usual 14 copies. Twelve of these were distributed by Kramer and his opposite number in S.I.S. to the President, the secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and a handful of top-ranking Army and Navy officers. The two others were file copies. This decode was part of a whole series of Japanese intercepts, which had long ago been given a collective codename, partly for security, partly for ease of reference, by a previous director of naval intelligence, Rear Admiral Walter S. Anderson. Inspired, no doubt, by the mysterious daily production of the information and by the aura of sorcery and the occult that has always enveloped cryptology, he called it MAGIC.
He flicked the switches to the key of December 7. This was a rearrangement, according to a pattern ascertained months ago, of the key of December 1, which OP-20-QY had recovered. Brotherhood typed out the coded message. Electric impulses raced through the maze of wires, reversing the intricate enciphering process. In a few minutes, he had the plaintext before him.
It was in Japanese. Brotherhood had taken some of the orientation courses in that difficult language that the Navy gave to assist its cryptanalysts. He was in no sense a translator, however, and none was on duty next door in OP-20-GZ, the translating section. He put a red priority sticker on the decode and hand-carried it to the Signal Intelligence Service, the Army counterpart of OP-20-O, where he knew that a translator was on overnight duty. Leaving it there, he returned to OP-20-G. By now it was after 5 a.m. in Washington—the message having lost three hours as it passed through three time zones in crossing the continent.
This was an extremely complicated machine cipher which American cryptanalysts called PURPLE. Led by William F. Friedman, Chief Cryptanalyst of the Army Signal Corps, a team of codebreakers had solved Japan's enciphered dispatches, deduced the nature of the mechanism that would effect those letter transformations, and painstakingly built up an apparatus that cryptographically duplicated the Japanese machine. The Signal Corps had then constructed several additional PURPLE machines, using a hodgepodge of manufactured parts, and had given one to the Navy. Its three components rested now on a table in Room 1649: an electric typewriter for input; the cryptographic assembly proper, consisting of a plugboard, four electric coding rings, and associated wires and switches, set on a wooden frame; and a printing unit for output. To this precious contraption, worth quite literally more than its weight in gold, Brotherhood carried the intercept.
AT 1:28 on the morning of December 7, 1941, the big ear of the Navy's radio station on Bainbridge Island near Seattle trembled to vibrations in the ether. A message was coming through on the Tokyo-Washington circuit. It was addressed to the Japanese embassy, and Bainbridge reached up and snared it as it flashed overhead. The message was short, and its radiotelegraph transmission took only nine minutes. Bainbridge had it all by 1:37.
The station's personnel punched the intercepted message on a teletype tape, dialed a number on the teletypewriter exchange, and when the connection had been made, fed the tape into a mechanical transmitter that gobbled it up at 60 words per minute.
The intercept reappeared on a page-printer in Room 1649 of the Navy Department building on Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C. What went on in this room, tucked for security's sake at the end of the first deck's sixth wing, was one of the most closely guarded secrets of the American government. For it was in here—and in a similar War Department room in the Munitions Building next door—that the United States peered into the most confidential thoughts and plans of its possible enemies by shredding the coded wrappings of their dispatches.
Room 1649 housed OP-20-GY, the cryptanalytic section of the Navy's cryptologic organization, OP-20-G. The page-printer stood beside the desk of the GY watch officer. It rapped out the intercept in an original and a carbon copy on yellow and pink teletype paper just like news on a city room wireservice ticker. The watch officer, Lieutenant (j.g.) Francis M. Brotherhood, U.S.N.R., a curly-haired, brown-eyed six-footer, saw immediately from indicators that the message bore for the guidance of Japanese code clerks that it was in the top Japanese cryptographic system.
Ever since the beginning of history man has wanted to fly.The fascination with the act of flying has led human beings to design several ways in which it would be possible.Here are a few interesting facts about how man learnt to fly
Ornithopters-imitation bird machines-were conceived as wings powered by man.Leonardo da vinci studied flight,and designed a flying machine based on the study of bat's wing's
The wings of Otto Lilienthal's biplane glider are based on da vinci's principle.
Henri Giffard's airship which used the principle that hot air could lift objects up was the first craft to fly.The above principle was also used in the zeppelin.
Wright brother's flew a plane powered by a fuel engine for the first time in 1903
Bi-planes,monoplanes and flying boats were widely used during the first World War.
Nature,howerver,provied the best model for the flying machine.The basic desgin of the helicopter was based on the dragon-fly!
One of the biggest problems in the history of aviation was that of crossing the sound Barrier(flying at or higher than the speed of sound!)the aircrafts approaching the speed sound (supersonic crafts)usually vibrated too much and broke down.the sound barrier was officially broken in 1947 by a rocket propelled US air Force plane
The Concorde was the first supersonic airplane used for commerical purposes.
Today we have planes that can fly at twice the speed of sound(hypersonic aircraft),and planes that can fly round the world without refuelling.The SR-71 blackbird, which has flown at a speed four times that of sound,is officially the world's fastest jet-powered aircraft.

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